Robert Smith

I'm John Michael Rice

Business Analyst & Developer

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Hello! I'm John Michael Rice. IT Support Analyst specializing in business process. Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including Java J2EE, SQL, and .NET. Strong background in project management, problem troubleshooting, and customer relations.

Professional Skills

Java Strong
.NET Above Average
SQL Very Strong
HTML & CSS Strong
VBA Above Average
Office Suite Very Strong

Work Experience

2013 - Present

Tata Consultancy Services, LTD

IT Analyst/Production Support at Cisco Capital

I was responsible for a portfolio of Cisco's business-critical IT applications in Capital, Legal, and Governance Risk & Controls areas. These required technical and client-support capability utilizing strong analytical and development skills in both Java J2EE and Oracle PL/SQL. It was here I practiced recognition of a problem which could benefit from value-add and process improvement initiatives, and to prototyping said processes. Two such initiatives are outlined below.

2016 - Present

Glowroller Project


I like to continually push my boundaries and learn new skills, even if not required for a job. The GlowRoller Project I started requires several skills which honing will be beneficial: time-management, electrical engineering concepts, headless machine coding (linux), python, user interface and project planning, development, and testing. You can see pictures of this project below.

2014 - 2016

Personal Projects

Server Administration and Database Design

In my spare time I worked on a few personal or freelance projects. One such personal project was to build my own Linux Server (Debian) running as a Virtual Machine on a custom-built desktop for my partner. I designed this system with resource sharing in mind, since this was to be her primary (Windows) machine. I also freelanced for a side-project which needed a new database design (MySQL) and custom data-loading scripts (Excel VBA) to rapidly populate the same. Both of these projects were opportunities to identify user needs and to design a fitting solution.


Emerson, Japan

Business Development Intern

In addition to acclimatization to a radically different culture than the western one I grew up with, I helped design and consolidate information for use in overall business strategy and future project planning. This was done through market research and surveying of a vast amount of information, which required concise time-management and prioritization of tasks to meet tight deadlines. I also developed and instructed a home-brew method of adding subtitles to business videos which saved the company an estimated $50k in costs. It was here I learned to take a breadth of information and to quickly distill out the relevant parts, and to rapidly identify and implement a new process.

2006 - 2008

Best Buy

Customer Assistant

I supported customers across the entire store, which required a breadth of product knowledge and understanding of the advantages or disadvantages of alternative options. It was here that I learned the valuable skills of listening to a customer's story to identify their individual needs. This enables me to recommend the best-fit solution by drawing on a breadth of knowledge.

2008 - 2010

Angelic Whispers Holistic Center


I managed the retail space, helped flesh out and produce monthly calendars of events and helped to design and implement various advertising, printed materials and newsletter communications. I re-designed a maintained the center's online presence, and developed a custom calendar integration so that the website can be dynamically updated to describe and take registration of new events without a need to rewrite any html. This ignited my desire to pursue a career in IT solutions, and taught me that I can tackle challenging problems creatively through technical ability.


2010 - 2012

Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems

University of Cincinnati

Summa Cum Laude

1999 - 2003

High School Diploma

Frankfurt International School

International Baccalaureate


QC Frontend Replacement

Coding Project

Recognition of a problem

During a quarter performing QA duties on a large project, for a client, I discovered that search and filtering was incredibly slow. Why does every page load so slowly? Our triage meetings had a lot of noticable downtime, waiting for QC to catch up. It turns out, QC has its own validation logic implementation, and every screen with selectable fields was having this large logic file parsed to restrict selection options.

There is a better way...

Excel is so much better at displaying information and rapidly filtering it. Why can't we have both worlds? With a little research, I learned that Excel has a scripting language to it called VBA, and that there is a way (in VBA) to work with an API designed for working with Quality Center data. With a little creativity, I created a custom facsimile of the same validation list logic that QC was applying, in a much simpler, more intuitive fashion.

A Solution Emerges

Within just one quarter, I had researched, developed and tested a Quality Center "Frontend Replacement." Click below to start the screenshot slideshow (created by Slidely Slideshow)

Outlook Add-In


Improving Efficiency Through COM Add-In

While supporting a large global campaign, I noticed a lot of common requests would come in. Practicing VB.NET, I made use of a managed dll for oracle DB access to streamline the process of checking on common backend data to rapidly respond to customer e-mails. In addition to the capability of automatically preparing e-mails to send, the add-in I developed can also prepare a report in Excel based on query responses, for rapid report generation.

Automation Saves Time

A simple tool-set freed time taken on repetetive tasks which previously required manual intervention. Even e-mail generation could be automated, to minimize time for root causing an issue to response given to client.


Electronics, Development

Exploring Microcontrollers and LEDs

This electronics project was embarked upon to create an enjoyable 'dice' rolling effect for a gaming convention. Raspberry Pi computer running a version of debian liunux called 'raspbian', developed to run as a headless machine and execute threaded python code, controlling a custom LED grid array and responding to switch inputs handled over GPIO. I enjoy the hands-on approach to trying new things, and like to push my capabilities to achieve goals. In this case, from concept to working prototype took 1 month of spare time.


  • Over the last few years, I have worked extensively with John Michael for several projects. He has been very insightful with his solutions and problem solving techniques. On multiple occasions, we specifically requested his assistance on researching difficult and complex issues since he used his in depth technical knowledge to do excellent root cause analysis.

    John Michael's approach to stakeholders and critical business users was to explain the situation in their terms and to assure them appropriate actions would be taken to avoid the situation in the future. He consistently went beyond his role to satisfy their concerns and to find the right solution not just the quick one.

    John Michael clearly communicates and strives to make all his customers satisfied.

    Laura McGeever
    Laura McGeever Cisco Systems, IT Program Manager
  • John Michael and I worked together close to 4 years, and I came to know him as a truly valuable asset. He is honest, dependable, and incredibly hard-working. Beyond that, he is an impressive problem solver who is always able to address complex issues with outmost confidence. Actually, John Michael is inspired by challenges, and never initimidated by them.

    His knowledge and expertise in data analysis, ad-hoc reporting, system analysis and defect solutions, to name a few, were a huge advantage to our company. He put these skillsets to work in order to keep Cisco Capital's business flow without interruption. This is very important as we must meet forecasted numbers on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.

    Female Silhouette
    Maria G Diaz Cisco Systems Capital, Manager - Finance
  • I had the opportunity to work along with John Michael for close 2 years in TCS CISCO engagement. John Michael comes with extraordinary technical skills in multiple platforms / programming languages and with a lot of enthusiasm. His attention to detail and documentation skills were amazing. Apart from regular work & deployments, John Michael had taken a lot of additional effort to develop useful tools that would greatly increase productivity. It was great working with John Michael and will be missed in the team. I would gladly recommend John Michael for any Project and I wish him all the best!!!

    Sharan Chandeskaran
    Sharan Chandeskaran TCS - Cisco, Business Intelligence & DW Consultant
  • I have had the great fortune in knowing John Michael for over eight years. We met when he was managing the every day operations of our holistic center, Angelic Whispers. He was very instrumental in helping launch the new program that I headed, Fertility acupuncture. He also help redesign and implement the website for our fertility center, The Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio. He was always willing to help and was able to multitask continuously. One of his greatest asset is his ability to work with all that comes across his path. A wonderful quality that was duly noted was his gentle mannerism. I recommend John Michael with great enthusiasm and without reservations. He will be a wonderful asset to any organization that he joins.

    NeeOo Chin, M.D.
    NeeOo Chin, M.D. The Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio, Director

In My Own Words

Hello! I’m John Michael Rice. My curricula vitae are spread across the board. I would best describe myself as a technical Maverick. I have the ability to undertake new and challenging projects blending various and sometimes dispirate disciplines to accomplish a specific goal or task. My upbringing introduced me to various cultural backgrounds. This experience was further compounded by my international life experiences. I have interacted wtih both Asian and European cultures professionally and personally, and therefore the following two things are baked in: I both understand and appreciate workplace diversity, and intuitively comprehend that every problem will have a unique solution.

From a technical standpoint, I have a proven track record of identifying challenges outside my assigned scope or role, and launching self-driven projects to overcome them. I accomplish my goals while continuing to meet my normal deliverables and expectations. Object-oriented coding is like breathing for me, and learning something new has never stopped me from solving a problem or challenge.

Hopefully you have reached the conclusion by now as to whether I am the right candidate to fill your position or project team, so please do send me a message or ask for any additional details or reference contacts.

My Interests

I have a keen interest in computers. I started learning A-Basic on an old monochrome Tandy 1000 PC when I was 9, and have been doing things with computers since then. I also enjoy various forms of art: visual, aural, interactive. Additionally, I enjoy gaming in many forms, from the ancient strategy game 'Go' to tabletop, board, and video games. I like to experiment with personal technical projects which will push my boundaries and grow my experience.

  • Electronics
  • Hiking
  • Movies
  • Swimming

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